Morocco finance
Current Payment Scheme:
There is 3.000 € reservation deposit.
% Due |
Date due |
10% |
After one month |
18% |
After three months |
8% |
After three months |
8% |
After three months |
56% |
On completion |
Prices and Availability:
Prices of apartments:
The apartment price is not related to the number of rooms, it depends on the price of the square metre.
The price of a 1 bedroom penthouse is between 92.097 and 109.504 Euros.
The price of a 2 bedroom apartment is between 109.504 and 115.402 Euros
The price of a 3 bedroom apartment is between 143.905 and 147.311 Euros
For more information on availability and prices fill out the form below. Prices of villas: Updated 27/08/2007
The villas are already sold out.
We also have Marina berths available. (Spaces for yachts in the Marina)
Other information:
Mortgage finance is available upon completion of the development to finance the last payment.

What is the local currency? Morocco finance information
The currency of Morocco is the Dirham (MAD)
What are the purchasing costs?
The legal system in Latin-based and similar to that in France and Spain Clients should allow for around 5 % of the purchase price.
This is made as follows:
Registration fees 2.5 %
Notary’s Tax 0.5 %
Notary’s Fees 1.0 % to max of € 437.50
Land registry 1.0%
Sundry expenses € 350
The system is that the buyer will open a Euro account with a bank in Morocco and will transfer Sterling or Euros to this account- all properties will be freehold and the VAT on the property purchase is included in the price.
What types of Mortgages are available and at what rates?
The maximum mortgage is 70-75 % of the purchase price. The usual maximum period of the loan is 15 years but this is negotiable. But the term cannot extend beyond normal retirement age. Interest again is negotiable at around 5.5 percent.
Proof of income is required and all loans are STS.
What taxes should I be aware of? Morocco finance information
Rubbish Collection Tax – There is a 5 years exemption from the garbage collection tax, after this period tax is charged at 10% of the property’s annual rental value.
Capital Gains Tax – Capital gains tax is charged at 20% of profit with a minimum of 3% of the sales price if the property is sold within 5 years.
If the property is sold before 10 years, capital gains is charged at 10% and 0% after 10 years.
Capital gains tax is based on the sale price less the purchase price.
Inheritance Tax - There is 0% inheritance tax for family members providing they have a Moroccan will, but it is essential that you make a Moroccan legal will and seek professional tax advice.
The UK and Morocco share a double tax treaty that ensures investors do not suffer Capital Gains tax in both countries.
Do I need a bank account in Morocco? (Morocco finance)
Yes; but our associates can arrange that for you with the local branches of the major Moroccan banks.
How do I transfer money to Morocco?
You can use your own bank or money-broker.
How do I reserve a property?
To reserve a property you have to pay an initial holding deposit of €3.000.
What is the payment structure?
On exchange of contracts, 10% of the purchase price is payable (less the initial holding deposit). This is followed by 18% in three months, 8% in December 2007, 8% in March 2008, and the balance on completion.
Do I need a solicitor? Morocco finance information
Yes, we recommend using a solicitor.
Is it possible to rent the property out?
Yes, of course, and because of the aim to increase tourism, owners are tax-exempt for the first 3-5 years.
What is the tax issue on rental Income?
Investors from UK looking to operate a 'Buy to let' strategy with their Morocco based property investment will be required to pay tax on this generated income. Investors can be exempt from paying tax for the first 3 years but there after would be required to pay tax on 60% of their generated income at between 22% and 44%
Is there any thing else I need to know about taxes in Morocco?
There is a double tax treaty between the UK and Morocco to ensure that Capital Gains Tax (TPI) is not paid in both countries .In Morocco, TPI is 20% of the profit with a minimum 3% of the sale price.
If you sell your property after ten years of ownership, you are fully exempt from TPI.
Owners who sell their property after five years but within ten years are subject to TPI of 10% of any capital gain over 1million DRH (€'80 65,000). There are no death duties as long as the property stays within the family (however, it is advisable to seek professional tax advice as individual circumstances and company purchases of property can alter your tax liabilities).
What if I want to sell my property before completion?
You can sell your property to a third party once the initial 28% instalment has been paid. You may be liable for an administration charge of approx 1.5%-5% plus VAT from the sales agency.
Selling on your investment is very easy via a transfer contract organized by your solicitor. End Morocco finance information
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